

As a writer, I, (and many of our creative crew***) keep a journal or notebook tucked into our back pockets or satchels for easy access. With so much constant stimuli we have to be prepared to catch anything at whim — a log of instances that we encounter on this journey. You’d be surprised how much you can forget. So, with that being said, this story will be mostly a direct transcription from the journals I keep — be prepared for nuances, irrelevancies, intimacies and a whole lot of organic mind drifting. Welcome!

I’ll try my best to stay on track and insert any undocumented details worth noting, but don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Also — let’s get this out of the way now — I am an avid advocate for marijuana. I am a habitual smoker, toker, and ingester of this earth provided herb. I strongly agree with its decriminalization, legalization and medicalization. I think that its prohibition is not only comical but sad and embarrassing for all of its countless beneficial counterparts. If this offends you I suggest 1) you don’t read this 2) you do more research.

Side note: it would also be good to mention that I am currently reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values By Robert M. Pirsig — a brilliant chautauqua of his life epiphanies in a metaphysical and figurative sense on his bike trip across the United States in search of answers to questions he had yet to fully identify. Some topics he discusses are technology, quality, and the educational system. Many of the chapters mirror into my thoughts and ideas throughout these writings — feel free to pick it up and read along with me.

*** To read about our travels in different perspectives, check out Vlad’s writings at http://accordionblues.wordpress.com/ and Stefanie’s at http://stefaniehurtado.com/ ***

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